About AmishSolutions.com 

AmishSolutions.com offers simple remedies to common health problems, which have been proven to work for families across America. Instead of starting with expensive prescriptions and their long list of side effects, our Amish Solutions work with the body's natural abilities to heal to create a more healthy you. 

The Story of How We Started a Mail-Order Business Serving the Amish

By Mrs. Lynn Hagen

Wife and Business Partner to Dr. Ethan Hagen, founder of AmishSolutions.com 

The concept of Plain Solutions came from living on a 10 acre hobby farm near the town of Kingston, Wisconsin. Kingston is centrally located in the middle of a large Amish settlement. Ethan and I had never had contact with the Amish before, but quickly realized that living and working amongst them was too good to be true. They are the most caring, hospitable, and honest neighbors we could have wished for. After learning of their difficulty in accessing health care, Ethan was able to use his Chiropractic and nutrition counseling license to begin doing house calls in their settlement. I would go along to take notes, and we would often set up our portable equipment in an Amish home as the buggies began rolling in. Eventually more 2200 patients were seen in the comfort of their own homes.  It wasn’t uncommon to treat 30 men, women, and children in a day if they had let their neighbors know we were coming. We quickly learned several interesting things about their church and culture. They do not have internet, TV, radio, or Smartphones in their settlement, which makes it much more difficult to research information and products than it is for the general public. Just imagine your life without instant access to Google!

In 2011, we decided to take the long list of FAQs derived from our contact and write a small “Almanac of Uncommon Sense and Resource Catalog." Since then, we have printed and distributed more than 60,000 copies through 8 editions and have Amish, Mennonite, and English (what the Amish call us non-Amish) customers who have ordered from 27 states and Canada, Switzerland, and Australia. We have assembled a group of products with instructions that were not available to them at Walmart. It is like a doctor’s visit in a box, delivered to the door. They have embraced it!

Now we offer the same solutions that have given thousands of Amish natural healing to the public through AmishSolutions.com.